Saving money on home insurance is a great way to cut your annual bills. Nevertheless while this expense can often seem unnecessary the idea of saving money by avoiding home insurance is a false economy. The Association of British Insurers says nearly half of all burglary victims are uninsured while the average contents premium is only around £130 per year.
Instead just a few hacks can go a long way in reducing your home insurance premium without having to compromise your cover. Remember that home insurance is not just about protecting possessions, but protecting you and your loved ones.
Change Home Insurance Provider
Many insurance companies sell home insurance policies at a loss to gain customers. That means customers who stay face increased premiums when shopping around could get them a better deal. At Emerald we guarantee to beat your home insurance renewal by 10%.
Get The Right Home Insurance Rebuild Value
Don’t confuse market value of your home for the rebuild value. Your home insurance rebuild value is simply the cost of materials, labour and architects for your area. To find a rebuild value getting a survey carried out is the most reliable option but most people could benefit from the Association of British Insurers’ home rebuild value calculator.
Invest in protection
Burglar alarms and better locks will often bring down home insurance premiums. The best option is a five-lever mortise deadlock conforming to BS (British Standard) 3621.
British Standard kitemark of a heart-shape with an ‘s’ in the middle is stamped on the metal plate. This is recommended by police and therefore valued by insurers as a high level of home security.